« Gifts that keep on Giving {DIY Christmas GiftTags} »

This year for Christmas , I took a decidedly different approach to gift wrapping and giving. Namely, instead of just attaching tags to Christmas presents, I gave tags, bags and embellishments as gifts! In other words, my family and friends received gifts this year which will keep on giving.
Let me start off by saying that this project did not start off so ambitious (or broad) in scope. In fact, my initial idea was to make a few gift tags to put on gifts. But as I started to make the tags, it occurred to me they would make terrific gifts.
I wanted the tags to have a vintage look, so I utilized (heavy-gauge) craft paper tags and old-fashion manila tags. Natural raffia and baker's twine were used for the ties.
I worked on the tags mostly at night, and ran for craft supplies at lunch time. This project was such a fun distraction from the day to day stress and responsibility of my urban life. It actually occurred to me more than once: I need to do things like this more often.
I wrapped the labels (and other fund embellishments) in cellophane goodie bags, and tied them off with an organza bow.
Most of the tags made their way into Christmas Gift Wrapping Kits, which contained heavy corrugated cardboard totes in various sizes, tissue paper and pinecone picks. (Ribbon, baker's twine, gift wrap or box/basket filler would have also been nice additions/substitutions.)
But some of the tags also made their way into gift baskets -- including this one for a wine-loving friend.
I must say, these gifts initially threw people for a loop. After all, when was the last time you received a gift wrapping kit for the holidays? But once people realized what the gift was about, they were uniformly happy and grateful.
After a very stressful fall in the Northeastern US, marked by monster storms, widespread destruction and horrific acts of violence, it was hard not to feel rattled. So in a way, these tags were just what the doctor ordered: an excuse to pause, focus and reflect on the people (and things) that matter most. And as an added bonus, I made some pretty awesome gifts for people I care about.
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