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« 'Slim Pickings' at Patty's Berries and Bunches »

My sister and I have wanted to go berry picking since June. But it has been a busy summer of holiday celebrations, parties and cable installations -- and somehow, it never materialized. With time literally running out, we finally got to Patty's Berries and Bunches last weekend to pick raspberries. Go team!

For those of you unfamiliar with berry picking, I thought I would walk you through the process, and explain some of the unofficial rules. (If you would like to read the official rules, they are here.  I am not sure how they enforce rule #8 , but so be it.)

Rule No.1  Enlist the help of 2 able-bodied young gents. If they put up a fuss, bribe them (I mean reward them) with money. It works.

Rule No. 2  Park as far away from the raspberry bushes as possible, so that the able-bodied gents can stop and admire the flowers. Ok, at least mommy and Michelle can admire the flowers.

In case you are wondering, you can't 'pick your own' flowers at Pattys, but you can buy generous bouquets for $8.50.

Unfortunately, due to the torrential rain storm that we had the night before (as well as the advancing date), we were greeted with a sign that forecast 'slim picking' for the day.  

 Not to be deterred, we purchased our baskets, and went to work.  Ok, Dillan did appear a bit skeptical but would his mother and aunt really throw him under the bus? Never!

Unripened blackberries

The forecast was quite accurate. It took us 2 hours to pick 4 pints of raspberries with a few blackberries thrown into the mix. But we prevailed, and won over at least one convert.

Here he is proudly sitting next to our bounty.  His brother, on the other hand, was not so easily won over.  Bees and blazing hot sun are just not his thing.  In fact, he declared as we were leaving, "I never want to be a farmer when I grow up". I will remind him of that the next time he avoids his summer reading for school.

Patty's Berries and Bunches * 410 Sound Avenue * Mattituck, NY * 631-298-4679 

Reader Comments (1)

Hi, Michelle,
I loved this entry. I went berry picking with you that would be vicariously. The flowers are brilliant with color. I hope you were able to purchase a bouquet for your condo. I had to response on your blog site, as I have already shut down AOL. Have a good week!

August 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRosanne

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