After wrecking havoc on Long Island and most of Southern New England -- Blizzard "Juno" is finally made it's way out to sea Monday evening. And per usual, life inched back to normal on Tuesday morning.

My "backyard" on Eastern Long Island
It seems so funny to give a snow storm a name. I intuitively want to type "hurricane", but no, this was a snow storm for some and a blizzard for others.
NYC missed the brunt of the storm, when it migrated farther east than initially expected. Not taking any chances, the city took the extraordinary step of shutting down mass transit, as well as closing several tunnels and the George Washington Bridge on Monday night. Cars were also banned on the streets after 11 PM, so clean-up crews and emergency personal would be unencumbered by traffic.

My "backyard" in Manhattan
Many New Yorkers screamed "over-kill" on Tuesday morning. But after being evacuated from my home during Hurricane Sandy, I for one was thankful how seriously the city took this storm.

Tear Drop Park, Battery Park City
Kids in lower Manhattan also stood behind their mayor and took full advantage of both the snow and the very rare "snow-day". Even as night fell, they continued to play in Tear Drop Park with their sleds and inner tubes.
It was really wonderful to see how 8 inches of snow could spawn such exuberance.

Elsewhere in the US, The Seattle Sea Hawks and The New England Patriots are gearing up for for the Super Bowl this evening, in Glendale Arizona. By the time the game kicks off, the weather is expected to be a balmy 67 degrees, with no blizzards in sight. What a relief this must be for The Patriots and Tom Brady, as there will be no cold weather to spontaneously deflate the footballs. #deflategate.
This is also great news for anyone who coughed up $6000 for a ticket. Parkas, scarves and mittens will definitely not be necessary.
But for those of us who will be watching the game from the comfort of your living are 2 chicken recipes which have "game day" written all over them.

{Sweet and Sticky} Honey Soy Sauce Chicken Fingers
These chicken fingers are an irresistible combination of crunchy, sweet, spicy and sticky. And despite appearances, they are very easy to make.
The original recipe notes that the breaded chicken fingers can be baked or fried. I tried both methods, and found that the baked chicken fingers did not properly brown or crisp up in the oven, despite baking them at 425F. On the other hand, frying the chicken in very hot oil produced a light and crispy chicken finger.

To serve, you can either quickly tossed the chicken fingers in the sauce or serve the sauce on the side. Either way, be sure to garnish the chicken fingers with plenty of chopped cilantro and lime wedges and serve with ice cold michelades.

Sticky Honey Soy Sauce Chicken Wings
If sweet and sticky chicken wings are more your thing, than this recipe is for you.
Unlike the chicken fingers, these wings require some lead time to prepare -- as they need to marinate for a few hours in a combination of soy sauce, fresh ginger, garlic, lemon juice and cilantro. To finish, the wings are sauteed in a honey - butter sauce until they turn a deep amber color and are cooked through. Sesame seeds and flaky seas salt are the only garnish that you need.

When I first tasted one of these wings, it occurred to me that this is what sesame chicken is suppose to taste like. Sweet and sticky, but not oily or cloying in any way.
A platter of these won't last long. Just be sure to have plenty of extra napkins on hand.
The printable recipe for the Honey Soy Sauce Chicken Fingers can be found here and for the Honey-Soy Chicken Wings here.